Sunday, July 15, 2012

Days Nine and Ten - Santa Fe and Pool Party

On Saturday we met early in the morning at Super 99 (a local grocery store) to leave for Santa Fe where we went on a vigorous 5 hour hike through the rain forest.

Ready for the rain forest!

Edgar, our guide, checks the route ahead to keep us safe.

Isaac holding a rain forest grasshopper.

The group carefully looks for stable hand and foot holds as we cross to the other side.

About a third of the way into the hike, we stopped at a waterfall and everyone had the option to slid down!


Duncan, after sliding down the waterfall.

Greg and Ben

Clare and Bella climbing.

Another beautiful waterfall our group stopped at.

Ben braves the barbed wire.
Nico slips underneath the barbed wire.

After the long hike, a hotel and restaurant in Santa Fe had a delicious lunch prepared for us.

On our way home from Santa Fe, we stopped at an amazing panderia (bakery) in San Francisco.  Everyody had a chance to fill up on chicheme (a fruit drink), sweet-bread, roschitos (bread circles), and braided egg bread.  All in all, the group had a great time experienced the natural environment in Panama.

To calm down after the taxing day on Saturday, those who had not planned excursions with their host families, had a pool party at a small waterpark in Santiago.

Brent, Greg, and Jason

Theresa and Kasey

Bella, Megan, Clare, Camille, and Lauren

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