Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day Seven - Uraca and Nutre Hogar

This morning, while the students from California and Connecticut worked in Nutre Hogar, the Milwaukee group was able to visit El Instituto Uracá in Santiago.  Uracá is a typical Panamanian high school – however, it is very different from our own high schools in the United States.  Similar to USM, but not true of all American schools, the students all wear uniforms and anybody (even visitors) are expected to dress formally and not show excessive amounts of skin.  Also, their behavior is different from what is expected in the United States – they tend to be louder and more rowdy; however, they calm down when asked.  The other main distinction is that their school day lasts only until 12:00 pm!

El Instituto Uraca

After the entire group had arrived at Uracá, the English teacher toured us around the school introducing us to some of the classes.  The students were all very excited to meet us – we’re celebrities here!

"The students clapped for us every time we visited a classroom for some reason.  However, it was interesting to see a private school with 3,000+ students and how it greatly contrasts with USM." - Brent and Joey

Jenny talks with some of the Uraca students.

We also visited their physical education class, where the students were playing soccer.  A few of our very own USM soccer players joined the mix.  They graciously donated a few students to our small team and we played until the score was 2-1 – victory for the American team!

"I really enjoyed playing futbal with the highschoolers, it helped break the cultural barrier." - Nico

Isaac shows off his soccer skills to the Panamanians.

The Fan Section

The Players

Finally, a couple of the physics classes were performing dramas based on the life of Sir Isaac Newton.  We were able to sit in the audience and watch two unique interpretations of his life’s work.

Act One

Act Two

Cast of the Second Interpretation

After our visit to El Instituto Uracá, we all went home to our respective families for lunch and then met for our 2-6 pm shift at Nutre Hogar.  With the money raised throughout the year, Friends of Nutre Hogar has been able to purchase many much needed supplies for the center, such as a washer, dryer, and two refridgerators.  The boys helped bring them in this afternoon...

Nico and Ricardo play with the blocks.
Michael entertains Carlos during the rainstorm.

Joey and Francisco

Milton and Leonel

Jack and Alvaro

Francisco hides between the new washer and dryer.


Catherine makes sure not one but two babies sit comfortably.

Before bedtime, Alvaro delivers a toy to each person in the large playroom.

Theresa and Maralis
Srta. Morse comforts a couple of small babies.

1 comment:

  1. It is great to read the daily updates. I especially enjoy seeing pictures of the children. How nice to be able to make the purchases you did...I'm sure they are very grateful. I also enjoyed reading about school life...don't you wish USM ended the day at 12:00.
