Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day Five - Nutre Hogar

Since we have such a large group this year, we need to spilt into two shifts to better care for the babies.  This morning, the California and Connecticut students fed the babies their morning snack, played with them, gave them lunch, bathed them, and put the babies down for their afternoon rest.

"Even though it's just the 2nd day working at Nutre Hogar I've already become attached.  Merely a smile from one of these kids will brighten your entire day." - Lauren

"It is incredible to experience a completely different culture with the help of my host family. I am learning so much about diversity and I've begun to understand the complexity and diversity of our own world. Working with the babies is something that I will never forget!" - Kasey

"Nutre Hogar is a great place.  These children are well taken care of by the caring staff.  They are so efficient with the minimal supplies they have.  The kids will learn about the consequences of malnourishment and how important proper nutrition is for growth and development from birth.  They are also learning how difficult it would be to be a teen mother in poverty and what it takes to care for a child 24/7.  I am enjoying the differences in the culture here compared to own - especially the food - thank goodness for Google translator - it saves me!" - Marissa

"Seeing all the babies' faces light up when you hold them is the most heartwarming and rewarding feeling. I love playing with all the kids and seeing how happy they are just to have someone to hold them." - Camille

"These first two days working at Nutre Hogar have been amazing.  I can't explain how much my perspective has changed.  These kids are amazing and I hope to come back next year." - Megan

"I absolutely love spending time with these precious babies.  I love making them smile and helping them learn!  I feel so honored to be able to help them out.  It's an amazing experience." - Julia

"I've always loved working with kids.  But these children completely change your perspective.  Making them smile and laugh is without a doubt the best feeling in the world."  - Maile

After the children had their afternoon naps, the Milwaukee group was there to play with them in the afternoon!


Catherine and Orlando


Greg and Brent

Milton and Leonel

After dinner, our students helped bathe and change the babies so they were ready for bed.

Brittany and Orlando
Ben soothes Maralin

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